Fiji Set To Reopen Soon to Travelers From ‘Parts of the USA’

The country of Fiji has been closed to travelers from the United States since 2006 due to a string of natural disasters, but is set to reopen soon.

Fiji is set to reopen soon to travelers from parts of the USA after a volcanic eruption.

After a year and a half of being closed to most international visitors, the enticing tropical paradise of Fiji is now ready to welcome them back.

Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama said on September 16 that Fijian authorities had devised a reopening plan that would enable visitors from selected “green list” nations to enter without being quarantined.


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The gradual reopening plan, which will begin after at least 80% of Fiji’s adult population has been properly vaccinated, is based on a meticulous structure developed by Fiji’s COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Taskforce, which includes the country’s top medical and policy specialists.

Bainimarama reaffirmed his earlier assertion, claiming that his South Pacific island is on pace to achieve its 80 percent immunization goal as early as November—”faster than we ever dared to dream,” he said. To far, 62 percent of the adult population of the island country has been completely vaccinated, with almost 97 percent receiving their first dose of an authorized vaccination regimen.

“We are also prepared to re-open Fiji as one of the world’s safest tourist destinations for the sake of the tens of thousands of Fijians—and their families—who rely on our tourism sector,” Bainimarama stated. “Our re-opening is contingent on not just our vaccination rates, but also the vaccination rates of other nations, as well as a lot of behind-the-scenes effort. For Fiji’s side, we’re checking off all the boxes in terms of readiness.”

The green list will include countries that utilize the same vaccines as Fiji (Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca) and have “similarly high vaccination rates and low test-positivity rates,” according to Bainimarama. According to a story from USA Today, the list seems to include Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Korea, Singapore, and “parts of the United States”—though it’s unclear exactly areas of the United States.

Travelers from green list nations will need to be properly vaccinated and get a pre-departure clearance after an online application procedure once the system is implemented. They’ll also have to provide a negative COVID-19 test result from a test conducted within 72 hours of boarding their trip to Fiji.

Visitors will be able to vacation in designated “travel safe” zones upon arrival, where they will be able to mingle with residents and enjoy the island’s attractions while knowing that everyone has been properly vaccinated. Vaccinated foreign tourists will be permitted to move freely across the archipelago after spending five days in a “travel safe” region and assuming the results of an in-country COVID-19 test are negative.

Fiji is set to reopen soon for travelers from Parts of the USA. The country has been closed since 2015 due to a volcanic eruption. Reference: when will fiji open for tourism.

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